Sanja Nešković Peršin: JULIE

September 13, 2011 8:00 pm

based on motifs from Miss Julie by August Strindberg

“Strindberg’s work is a footnote to the performance Julie. Some other content is plastered over implied cliché postures and gestures. The share of the clarified and recapped text without the illustrative is very allotted… The primary plot is veiled; the same goes for the cutting of the coordinates of the plot. For the most part the action happens in hints. Christine’s (Leja Jurišić) snoring as a sign which escapes the stage directions increasingly announces that the whole system of social order functionally wanes. The lapidary summary of the classical play transfers the dramaturgical emphasis elsewhere, yet it does not seem to even attempt to be a somewhat “exemplary modernisation of a classical play” and steps in another interpretative direction. Shifts between not particularly clear meanings come to a surprising turn near the end.”
Primož Jesenko, Dnevnik

Concept, choreography: Sanja Nešković Peršin
Co-creators: Nataša Živković, Uroš Kaurin, Leja Jurišić
Performers: Nataša Živković, Uroš Kaurin, Nina Fajdiga
Lighting design, set design: Son:DA
Music: Sašo Kalan
Costume design: Uroš Belantič
Production: Muzeum Ljubljana
In cooperation with: Bunker, Ljubljana, Avditorij Portorož