Defracto: FLAQUE

June 22, 2019 8:00 pm

There will be some juggling. There will be slackness. There will be puddles.
There won’t be any animal tortured, or banana spoiled, but there will be coffee, drops,
and a procession for the last hours of queen Cleopatra.
What can we show that is not already visible on YouTube ?
Flaque is a show in situ and non determinist that goes beyond limits drawn by tape.



With and by: David Maillard, Eric Longequel, Guillaume Martinet
Juggling: Guillaume Martinet, Eric Longequel
Music creation, staging: David Maillard
Artistic direction: Johan Swartvagher
Juggling choreography advice: Jay Gilligan
Light design: David Carney
Production manager: Laure Caillat

Photo: Pierre Morel

Partners: Théâtre Bretigny – Scène conventionnée du Val d’Orge, Théâtres Départementaux de la Réunion, Centre national de la Danse, Maison des Jonglages, Coopérative 2R2C, Theater op de Markt, l’Essaim de Julie, le CENTQUATRE – Paris, La Grainerie, La Fabrik.

Duration: 60 min

Main organiser: Zavod Bufeto
Co-organised by: Zavod Bunker, Društvo EX-teater, Festival Junij v Ljubljani, SMGL, Zavod Salesianum
Financial support: Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Mestna občina Ljubljana – oddelek za kulturo, Turizem Ljubljana

Tickets: 7 € / 5 € (students, seniors, self-employed cultural workers)
Tickets pack: 24 € (valid for all festival shows)

Info & reservations:, 051 269 906
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