Branko Potočan & duo Silence: BLACK FRIDAY

June 21, 2019 8:00 pm

Melancholy as an image of levitation set to music

The performance is based on the poem Melancholic Thoughts by Dragotin Kette; He passed through a forest, a dark forest – his heart filled with sadness and grief. He asked a luxuriant tree: »Do you have any friends, tell me!« The tree replied: »I do, I do, as much as I have leaves of green. When I rejoice, they too rejoice, when I am sad, they are as well!« And he said: »Look at me, as alone as I can be… I hoped you would be friends with me!« The tree rustled, lowered itself and approached him … It took him to itself, he is alone no more … He’s hanging from the branch outdoor.

Through the lyrical symbiosis of music, movement and singing, and through the symbolism of rope, the author of Black Friday builds metaphysical images in the air, which are bringing the levitation of salvation and a surrealistic view from above, onto a small man and onto the troubles he wants to get rid of.


Created and performed by: Branko Potočan
Music: Duo Silence
Authors and performers: Primož Hladnik and Boris Benko
Dramaturgy: Andreja Kopač
Production: Zavod Vitkar

Photo: Drago Videmšek

The project is financially supported by the City of Ljubljana and the Ministry of Culture of Slovenia

Duration: 40 min

Main organiser: Zavod Bufeto
Co-organised by: Zavod Bunker, Društvo EX-teater, Festival Junij v Ljubljani, SMGL, Zavod Salesianum
Financial support: Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Mestna občina Ljubljana – oddelek za kulturo, Turizem Ljubljana

Tickets: 7 € / 5 € (students, seniors, self-employed cultural workers)
Tickets pack: 24 € (valid for all festival shows)

Info & reservations:, 051 269 906
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