Sophia Rodríguez: Without Filter

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Workshop: Mon – Thu 15 – 18 Apr, 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Public presentation: Thu 18 Apr at 8:00 p.m.

Sophia Rodríguez invites you to devise a new performative work together. Let’s bounce our cliches and inner fire, construct and deconstruct a series of fake and true phenomena in a relationship with yourself. Through exercises of body, voice, mind, and language, we will prepare ourselves to reveal our feelings and thoughts, this will be the masa bruta, the clay that we will use to develop an aesthetic performative statement.

Every day we are going to construct something individually out of our voice/body/actions and show it. We are going to open up fantasies and frustration, in action, in poetic actions that pull out our trash/fullness/fail/fight/flame/death/expression. We will be playing with superficial and deep, with subjective and objective, fake and true, letting ourselves to be influenced by poetry and metaphors we might encounter in the process.

How we stand for what we do? How do we give the value to emotions or thoughts that come from very deep or hidden space in our body? What can we discover through group communication? How can we change our perception of reality and our perception of art by giving a different form to our thoughts and feelings through group work?

Whatever comes to us in the process of research is an integral part of us. At the same time, when it is placed somewhere and inhabits a concrete shape, it is already something new, and something that we can distance ourselves from, observe and treat it. It is composing and decomposing, creating a space between the personal meaning and the value that that action itself can have for the environment, the public, etc.

Those are the things we are gonna experience together and reflect on while we develop our performances without any filters.


Sophia Rodríguez is a Venezuelan performer, currently living and working in Brussels. In 2000, she got her Bachelor’s degree in Physical Theatre at Educational Program of the National Theatre of Venezuela. In 2003, she attended one year-long study in tightrope at National Circus School in Cuba and in 2008 she got her diploma in Dance/Performance at the University of Experimental Arts (UNEARTE) in Venezuela. In 2010, she was invited to participate in the project “50 days in Costa Rica” with David Zambrano, since then she has been teaching contemporary dance technique “Flying Low” and “Passing Through” around the world. In 2014, she got her Master’s degree in Physical Theatre. Since 2006, she has created several performances, either solo works or in collaboration with different artists, such as Ines Rojas, Nene Raul Vargas, Thomas Proksch, Ivo Dimchev, Micha Goldberg Inter Alias. She has worked with different choreographers, such as David Zambrano (VE/NL), Osmany Tellez (NY), Ayelen Parolin (BE), and currently, she is touring with a new dance performance by Koen Agustijnen and Rosalba Torres Guerrero, called “(B)”.


Practical information:

Sophia Rodríguez: Without Filter

4 day-long performative workshop

When and where:

Workshop: Mon – Thu 15 – 18 Apr, 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. at Old City Power Plant

Public presentation: Thu 18 Apr at 8:00 p.m. at Old City Power Plant


Performers with stage experience (actors, dancers, performers, acrobats, clowns) interested in the genres of contemporary burlesque and cabaret are welcome to join us. Attendance at all four days of the workshop is obligatory. Attendance at the final performance is desired but is not a condition to take part in the workshop. Please send us a short description of your stage experience when you apply and also write a short motivation letter describing the reasons why you would like to attend.

Application deadline:

Please send us your application with short description of your knowledge and motivation letter at before Wednesday, 10 April 2019.

The number of participants is limited; in case of large interest we reserve the right to make a selection.

Workshop fee: 40 €
Workshop leader: Sophia Rodríguez
Organised by: Emanat
In collaboration with: Old City Power Plant
Coordination and executive production: Sabina Potočki

photo: Danny Willems

Financial support: Ministry of Culture of RS, Municipality of Ljubljana – Department for Culture and Flanders Department of Culture, Youth and Media
