January 25, 2019 8:00 pm February 23, 2019 8:00 pm February 24, 2019 8:00 pm

Each performance is a dangerously slippery situation. Both for performers and for the audience. We are all looking for something unique, exceptional, unforgettable. This path is filled with unexpected slips, falls, and failures. This is precisely why we’re doing theatre, why we are eager to see the shows. We are risking. The one who does not risk anything does not gain nor lose.

“There is no living without falling, the performers’ actions seem to articulate in a clear and communicative gesture. Either we let go of control by ourselves, maybe the forces of the unexpected beat us, or there is somebody else counting down for us; Via Negativa does this with ease, simply asking us: How about you?” Nika Arhar, MMC RTV Slovenija, March 13, 2018

“365falls is a physical theater, in which also penetrates abundant narrative: the fall is the sum of movement and story. Therefore, the fall can be brutal or poetic, dangerous or redeeming; in any case, the factor of transience is included in its form and course – and this is also its strongest message.” Zala Dobovšek, Dnevnik, Ljubljana, 15 March 2018

More about the performance:

Conceived and devised by the group. 

Performers: Grega Zorc, Anita Wach, Vito Weis, Kristina Aleksova, Loup Abramovici, Nataša Živković
Concept and direction: Bojan Jablanovec
Music: Tomaž Grom and Eduardo Raon; contains also fragments from works by W. A. Mozart: Requiem; P. I. Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake; Richard Wagner – Das Rheingold – Vorspiel; György Ligeti: Lux Aeterna; Iánnis Xenákis: Metastasis
Additional music: Chubby Checker: Let’s Twist Again; Sex Pistols: Anarchy in the UK; The Clash: Should I Stay or Should I Go – arr. by Alexei Shulgin; The Rolling Stones: Satisfaction – arr. by Alexei Shulgin
Sound design: Tomaž Grom
Costumes, props and stage design: Olja Grubić
Light design: sonda7
Technical director: Igor Remeta
Curtain system: Jože Zajc, David Pilipović, Nika Sajn
Producer: Špela Trošt
Public relations: Sara Horžen
Production: Via Negativa
Co-production: Forum Freies Theater Düsseldorf
Partner: Bunker Ljubljana
Financial support: Ministry of Culture of  Republic of Slovenia and City of Ljubljana

Tickets: 10 EUR, 7 EUR (students, seniors)
Reservation and information: or +386 51 269 906