February 6, 2019 11:00 am 5:00 pm

February 6 at 11 a.m. (for schools) and 5 p.m. (for general public)

It’s nice to watch good performances. And one can learn a lot. It’s nice to create performances that you would like to see yourself. The kind of performances that can be discussed. That one can ask questions about. The kind that raise questions and answers. It’s nice to dance and to find space for dance in dance performances. But dancing is not everything. Dance is not yet a performance, but it can be a beginning of one. A part of one. As can be light. Without light, we can perhaps talk about a concert, but not about a performance. First of all, light either is or isn’t. Unlike light, sound is always there. The choice separates sound from the self‑evident. It becomes a partner. But there is still no performance without an audience. For even if the action takes place on the stage, it is still audience that makes (at least) half of the performance.

Authors and performers: Blaž Celarec, Jurij Konjar, Andreja Podrzavnik, Jaka Šimenc

Photo: Nada Žgank
