February 1, 2019 10:15 pm

»Schmieds Puls make delicately devastating music. Rich, lyrical songwriting, the band’s approach is effortlessly simple but resolutely complex, matching crystal clear melody to lyrical introversion.« Clash

Fronted by Mira Lu Kovacs, whom you might have met at MENT 2018 when she performed with her band 5K HD, and featuring Christian Grobauer (drums) and Walter Singer (bass), Schmieds Puls are an Austrian outfit that have been making waves in their home territory for some time. Spanning genres, refusing to be pigeonholed and politically outspoken, particularly regarding Mira’s feminism, has cemented them as one of the country’s most interesting outputs, earning them prestigious accolades such as the Amadeus Austrian Music Award. Their new album »Manic Acid Love« (Play Dead Records) is a triptych leading us through the spectrum of human emotion.


Photo: Ina Aydogan