November 19, 2018 8:00 pm

We are inviting you to the performing conference, to the first episode of the second season of the Improvocations: Manifest of improvisation.

After the first season of Improvocations (2016) in a form of studio meetings, the Improvocations are retudning in a new format – a format of Conference. Improvocations were started by Gorazd Pakozdi, Andreja Kopač and Žigan Krajnčan to research improvisation togetger with the home dance community and at the same time research how people in this community understand and use improvisation.
At the first performing conference the participants will tackle the definition of the improvisation in dance, performing arts, arts as such and in life. The host and the main performer will be Gorazd Pakozdi.

As the name already states, the conference will not take place only on the level of the langugage, but will take other performing forms with a focus on dance. The conference will finish with some findings and the final thoughts will be published on the web site and in the future possibly also in the form of a newspaper.

Information and registration to the conference or or
at the beginning of the conference – 19th November from 7.00 p.m. onwards in Stara elektrarna.

Tickets 10 EUR, 7 EUR (students, seniors), 4 EUR (self employed, unemployed)