November 23, 2018 9:00 pm

Concept and performing: Alenka Marinič, Hannu Risku, Julie Doyelle, Matthieu Loos
Music: Hannu Risku
Lights: Borut Cajnko

The Japanese sound for brushing teeth is an American slang word for sex: »Did you guys chaka chaka yet?«. Now it’s also the name of a European improvised performance focused on physical connection and musicality. Chaka Chaka.

The cast is a combination of many duos : Alenka and Matthieu have met brushing their teeth in silence on one of the French stages. Chaka Chaka. Years later they accidentally caused a festival paper-snowfight in Ljubljana. Chaka Chaka. Julie and Hannu met around a Slovenian blackboard before drawing unforgettable diagonals in Scandinavia. Chaka Chaka. Matthieu and Julie also share two French kids. So let’s Chaka Chaka!

Tickets: 5 EUR (per performance), 8 EUR (for both performances of the evening)
Ticket booking and information:, 00386 51 269 902
The performance is in English.