November 21, 2018 8:00 pm

Concept and directing: Matthieu Loos
Performers: Alenka Marinič, Christoph Jungmann, Julie Doyelle, Ladislav Karda, Lee White, Michaela Puchalková, Urša Strehar Benčina, Vanda Gabrielova, Vid Sodnik
Music: Goran Završnik, Hannu Risku
Lights: Borut Cajnko

First there is my shell, my skin, my trace. Around me it is what you think of me, how you feel about me, and what others have told you about me. Can all that be neglected and forgotten? You see and experience my work of art through a prism of all that you already know about me. Before you read the contents you look at the envelope. I am not anybody from anywhere, I am an envelope. Finnish, German, Slovenian, French, Canadian, Czech – these are the envelopes.

I Am an Envelope, a performance by an international improvisational cast from six countries, directed by Matthieu Loos, is the opening performance of the Naked Stage festival. It is an evolution of an idea and approach that took shape at the Our Lives festival in Berlin in March with a performance called 28 which included 28 performers from 28 European Union countries. Whether they liked it or not they carried labels and representations of countries they came from. They could utilise those for a big celebration of diversity, or they tried to escape the label and simply make a human connection.

Tickets: 5 EUR (per performance), 8 EUR (for both performances of the evening)
Ticket booking and information: info@bunker.si, 00386 51 269 902
The performance is in English.