Anna Konjetzky: CHIPPING

November 27, 2018 7:00 pm

In the frame of CoFestival.

Everything vibrates: the stage in Anna Konjetzky’s Chipping is constantly in motion: cubes are moving –  sometimes very slowly and hardly noticeable, sometimes faster and seemingly running everything down, changing images and shapes flood the space, breaking it, making it wide or flat. In the middle of it: the body of a dancer that needs to assert itself against, and with, the space; that needs to adjust to constantly new circumstances and that needs to find new ways around.

The body must adjust to new situations constantly, finding its way through the oscillating space: each step is a new balancing act; every movement newly devised; newly counterbalanced; and each way newly found. Even the passive body cannot rest on this stage: the moving space encroaches, deforms and swallows it. The body is driven restlessly to exhaustion and beyond.

Tickets: 10 EUR, 7 EUR (students, seniors)
Ticket booking and information:, 00386 51 269 906