
You are kindly invited to the opening of the 21st Mladi Levi International Festival, which will take place on the Šentjakobski oder LGL in Ljubljana on August 24, 2018 at 8.00 p.m.

 This year’s festival will begin with the witty performance All the Sex I’ve Ever Had, which is being produced in Ljubljana since the end of July by the artists of the Mammalian Diving Reflex collective from Canada, together with six representatives of the older generation from Slovenia. The latter will openly speak on the subject which remains taboo even for many of the younger generation – sex.

After the performance, at 10.00 p.m., we will meet on Krekov trg in front of the Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana to continue the conversation on the spicy topic, accompanied by the lively beats of DJ Borka! Delicious snacks will once again be provided by the indispensable ladies from the Activity Day Centre for the Elderly and by the chef Primož Dolničar.

Producer: Mojca Jug
Set and lighting design: Tanja Radež & Igor Remeta