Mala Kline: THE POOL –Dreaming in improvisation and real-time composition

April 27, 2018
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
April 28, 2018
10:00 am - 5:00 pm

In this workshop, the warm-up will consist of fascia and imagery‑based bodywork, which serve as a source of movement and dance. Touch based protocols stimulate the inter-connective body, while the imagery helps us to engage with our different bodies and the connections between them.

The session will take this work further into collective practice of The Pool, a system for improvisation and real-time composition, where we will play with the language, logic, and compositional principles based on dreaming awake. We will play with a series of diverse tasks, which will activate our attention and body dreaming, engage our bodies and imagination to help us collectively sculpt a landscape by dreaming through movement. Together we will look at how to open up a dream and use its imagery as a source for movement and composition emerging in the space and time of the Pool. The workshop will be led by pedagogue and artist Mala Kline.

Dreamwork is based on Saphire®, a registered trademark of Catherine Shainberg and her School of Images.

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photo: Mala Kline’s personal archive