Invitation to collaboration in the performance ALL THE SEX I’VE EVER HAD


We are looking for individuals of both genders (aged 65 and above) who are interested in participating in the theater performance All the Sex I’ve Ever Had by the group Mammalian Diving Reflex.
Are you 65 or older and thinking about sex? Perhaps you know someone who fits this description? Would you like to participate with your stories in creating a theatre performance? We would like to meet you and talk to you. We are looking for mature ladies and gentleman who are not uncomfortable talking about sex to take part in the theatre play All the Sex I’ve Ever Had, which will open up this year’s International Festival Mladi Levi (24th August – 1st September 2018).
Share this invitation with your friends, acquaintances and family member – you never know where another star is hiding.

If you are interested, please contact us at +386 31 326 099 (Maja Vižin) or at

This presentation of All The Sex I’ve Ever Had is made possible in part thanks to grants from the Canada Council for the Arts.