February 12, 2018 2:00 pm

On 16 February, the Rog Embassy will organize a public tribune in the Old Power Station at which the speakers will present the situation two years after the formation of the so called Balkan Corridor. Representatives of working groups will present reports and findings from the field.

Migration is still a hot political issue in which immigration to the general public is shown as a conflict between the locals and the new comers, but very rarely we have the opportunity to hear what kind of policy is actually being implemented by the authorities and how it affects both, one and the other. On the occasion of a public discussion, the activists and volunteers who, from the very beginning, together with Ahmad Šami, closely monitor the stories of many refugees, will summarize their findings and try to present us the functioning of Slovenian migration policy in practice and analyze its consequences for the lives of people and the wider society.


Miha Blažič – Asylum Working Group

Ognjen Radivojević – Slovene Philanthropy

+ guests and representatives of other working groups

Entry to the public tribune is free.