Betontanc Ltd.: SO FAR AWAY introduction to ego-logy

June 9, 2011 9:00 pm June 10, 2011 9:00 pm June 11, 2011 9:00 pm June 12, 2011 9:00 pm


Dance-theatre performance which features polar bears and young success stories walking across the stage. Embedded with skilful approach to social critique and spiced up with humour.

“An inventive performance in terms of direction and movement, dynamic in the first part and extremely poetic in the second one… addressing the global warming issue through an ethically superficial and cynical relationship of an individual towards others and towards his wider environment(s) – the one close by as well as the one far away.” (Mojca Kumerdej, Delo)

Avtorji in izvajalci: Primož Bezjak, Branko Jordan, Katarina Stegnar
Kot Sir David Attenborough: Stane Tomazin
Kostumografija: Mateja Benedetti
Oblikovanje zvoka: Jure Vlahovič
Oblikovanje svetlobe: Tomaž Štrucl
Glasba: Dead Tongues
Video: Miloš Srdić, Teo Rižnar
Tehnični direktor: Igor Remeta
Izvršna producentka: Maja Vižin
Produkcija: Bunker, Ljubljana