Drumartica: Night Trips

November 18, 2017 8:00 pm

Multimedia concert Night Trips is being prepared by the outstanding Slovenian percussion duo Drumartica, composed of Simon Klavžar and Jože Bagolina, in cooperation with video artist Tia Pavletič and dancer Nataša Živković. In the music-film‑dance story, its authors explore the journeys of life that lead us through different obstacles and opportunities. We are marked by the latter at every step of our lives, faced with various surprises. The musicians placed the story on the background of the city at night, as a metaphor for the state of society that is running relentlessly abyss of senselessness.

Concert is organized in the frame of Metabonma cycle.

Photo: Domen Pal


Tickets: 7 EUR, 5 EUR (students). Seniors have free entry.

Reservation and information: info@bunker.si, 00 386 51 269 906