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April 15, 2011 - April 24, 2011

The 17th Exodos Festival offers a vibrant artistic happening, based on as many as 30 performances: 10 proper festival performances and 20 belonging to the festival focus – Balkan Dance Platform.
The Exodos Festival needs no special introduction, while the Balkan Dance Platform is a travelling biennial festival, celebrating its 10th anniversary in Ljubljana this year. It succeeded in pursuing its goal in the previous decade by placing contemporary dance and its development in the Balkan region within a wider international context, and while doing this it also managed to evolve into one of the most important contemporary dance events in the region. This way it grew into a beautiful opportunity for the professional development of up-and-coming choreographers as well as a meeting point for those involved in contemporary dance in one way or another.

The Balkan Dance Platform will take place within the framework of the 17th Exodos Festival. Altogether, 18 artists from the wider Balkan region will introduce themselves, four of which come from Slovenia: Mateja Bučar, Snježana Premuš, Matjaž Farič and Bojan Jablanovec.

In the framework of the Exodos Festival, our stage will host:

April 17th at 7 pm
Rodrigo García: C’est comme ça et me faites pas chier
April 18th at 8.30 pm
Abattoir Fermé: Tourniquet
April 19th at 10.30 pm
Prosxima Dance Company/Maria Coliopoulou: [Action] 8 – Singularity
April 20th at 8.30 pm
Alper Marangoz: Normal
April 21st at 6.30 pm
Damaged/Çağlar Yiğitoğullarí: Diss & Luvstory
April 22nd at 10 pm
DUM/Mateja Bučar: I Would’ve Been a Palm Tree
April 23rd at 6 pm
Emanat, Ferlin/Matija Ferlin: Now I Am /Almost 6/
April 24th at 11 am
closing event: Easter breakfast
With the support of 650 experiences (of the body not yet stolen) by the authors Teja Reba and Loup Abramovici.