Branko Potočan: Stop and Take a Look, My Friend

October 29, 2017 8:00 pm October 30, 2017 8:00 pm

October 29 at 8.00 p.m. – premiere
October 30 at 8.00

I’m walking. Walking down the road. My only piece of furniture jewelry is a chair. I’m tired. I sit down. Wherever I put down the chair, it’s my home. My living room. I sit, I watch and I think. They sit, they watch and they think. I observe, and at the same time, I am observed. Good day!

The guiding principle of the play is the moment that we take for ourselves, to calm down, to rest. The chair symbolizes the micro space into which we retreat to detach ourselves from external influence. It’s an intimate space. On the one hand, the chair represents the possibility of relaxation, reflection, meditation, and on the other hand, as a piece of furniture, it symbolizes a place, a living room, a house, everywhere we place it.

Photo: Drago Videmšek


Tickets: 10 EUR, 7 EUR (students, seniors)
Reservation and information:, 00386 51 269 906