City Of Networks

October 13, 2017
10:00 am - 6:00 pm

The networking of local, regional, and international feminist and LGBTIQ groups working in culture is going to start off with brief presentations of specific socio-political contexts that affect their respective thematic focuses and working methods. If political art speaks the unspeakable, envisions the unseen, how do they, as initiators and producers, navigate between the Scylla and Charybdis of institutionalisation and capitalisation of both art and gender politics?

Discussions’ Moderator: Tea Hvala

Contributors: Cultural Gender Practices Network (SI/HR/RS/BA/MK), Nordijc/Baltic Queer Art Network (Dk), Gender Bender / Il Cassero (IT)

The discussion will be in English.

Admission free.
Information:, 00 386 51 269 906