Inštitut za delavske študije: Work and Technology

October 6, 2017
11:00 am - 7:30 pm

With all the possibilities for a global systemic disaster – or serious break, at least – available today, the most fascinating one is the one inherent to the dynamics of capitalism: the constant transformation of economy as a result of the demand for a rationalizing introduction of new technologies. And this very demand must be followed by the articulation of the political Left. Despite considerable efforts in this regard, it is possible to reiterate the diagnosis that the decline of the Ford‑Keynesian economic model – which enabled a historic peak of labor power by means of mass concentration of workers, the clear manifestation of their common interest vis-à-vis capital, and a high level of employment  – marked the beginning of the crisis of the Left. It is thus necessary to go beyond the abstract identification of the opposition between work and capital and delve into  concrete questions: in what way do work and capital stand in opposition to each other today, following the changes in the recent years and decades? Lecturers: Michael Roberts, Tomislav Medak, Matteo Gaddi, Nadia Garbellini, Mislav Žitko, Anže Dolinar …

Panel: Automation and the Future of Work
Speakers: Mateo Gaddi, Tomislav Medak, Nadia Garbellini
Moderator: Nejc Slukan

Panel: Revisiting the Plan
Speakers:  Anže Dolinar, Sašo Furlan, Martin Hergouth
Moderator: Jan Kostanjevec

Lecture: Robots & A.I. – Utopia or Dystopia?
Lecturer: Michael Roberts

In collaboration with Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftungtransform! europe, Zavod Bunker and Modri kot Autonomous factory ROG.

Admission free.
Reservation and information:, 00386 51 269 906