Christoph Wachter & Mathias Jud: TOOLS FOR THE NEXT REVOLUTION workshop

August 25, 2017
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

The workshop is a journey into possibilities of expression in the communication society and uncovers the narratives and power structures behind it. Participants will create their own Internet independent Wi-Fi communication network, learn how to use it and how to extend the range of Wi-Fi Networks with self-built antennas.

Co-production: Zavod Aksioma, Zavod Bunker
The workshop is related to the exhibition: “…” an archeology of silence in the digital age, presented at the Aksioma Project Space from August 30 until September 29 2017.
The exhibition and workshop are realized in the framework of State Machines – Art, Work, and Identity in an Age of Planetary-Scale Computation project.

Supported by: Evropska unija – program Ustvarjalna Evropa, Ministrstvo RS za kulturo, Mestna občina Ljubljana, Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia

Information and application (before August 23rd):