Jurij Konjar: TOUCHING DANCE, a two-day workshop

May 25, 2017
4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
May 26, 2017
4:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Touching dance, a two-day workshop

About the workshop, in short:
A workshop on the subject of sensitivity and communication through touch. We’ll observe what is common to all dances with a partner, but which is often covered up with pre-learnt steps, or the style of the dance. The workshop is suitable for all levels of knowledge.

More about the workshop:
Contact Improvisation, Argentine Tango, Salsa, Swing, martial arts, manual therapy, Shiatsu, massage, etc…. What all these crafts and skills have in common is the human touch as the medium for communication.
The objective of this workshop is to offer more freedom and ideas in the process of interaction with a partner. As well as to offer a perspective to reflect from and material for further development.

Therefore, Touching Dance. Where each of the partners perceives the other as a part (and not necessarily the epicenter) of the environment, which they themselves are moving in. But this space of movement is still my own. I get to shape it myself, within the opportunities / situations my partner offers me. While my partner does the same, vice versa.
In the workshop we won’t be learning new steps, and won’t aspire to merge already existing styles. Instead, we’ll work on what all styles have in common; the undertone of sensibility and communication. Applying this to your specific craft will be your task and satisfaction.

What is communicated through touch? How to perceive and respond to the responses of my partner? How to collaborate with them? How not to step on them? How not to be scared of touching them? How not to fear to make a suggestion? But also, how to clearly establish and maintain a personal space with its borders, when that is necessary?

This workshop will be of interest to dance lovers with any experience; professional, as well as non- . But also to therapists, teachers, improvisers, martial arts practitioners. Each of us that can read has a certain knowledge of the body, which is enough for a good start. And so, any working environment I can offer to my partner will be a part of a unique, worthy platform for communication and dance.
You’re welcome both to come alone or with your partner – during workshop we’ll be switching regularly.

To add to this: six hours can be plenty of time, yet nearly not enough to address Everything. Provided there’s an interest, we’ll continue with this workshop in the future; in June and later. Welcome!

€40 for one day, where your 2nd day is for free
(1day=€40, 2days=€40)

suitable clothes:
comfortable, long sleeves and long trousers. Footware: barefoot, or in socks, or light shoes with no heels.
The space we’ll be working in is a large one. The floor is wooden and is not cold.

The studio will be open and available from half an hour before. Aspire to come early, so we can take care of payments, you change in peace and we can then start on time.

if you need a place to crash for a night, contact me and we can probably arrange that.
In the days of the workshop, there is a World Music Festival “Druga Godba” in Ljubljana, with Friday (the 26th) concerts going from 20:00 till 1:30 the next morning. Check out the program.

About Jurij Konjar:
Jurij Konjar has been a professional dancer and teacher for twenty years. He’s based in Ljubljana, but mostly works in USA and Europe. The last ten years of his stage work have been focused on the performance of improvisation. Besides his professional interest he’s still a movement and dance enthusiast, including dances which include (a) partner(s).
For more info, also about previous teaching, scroll down on this Facebook timeline.
Videos of stage work are available Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/search?q=jurij+konjar