Leja Jurišić & Teja Reba: IDEAL

May 20, 2017 8:00 pm May 21, 2017 8:00 pm

Photo: Petra Veber

One needs to distinguish between intimate, personal-public, and public life.

A lot of work gets done in bed.

This dance performance for “two performers, a bunch of patriarchal semi-celebrities and a bed” has the suggestive title Ideal as an ironic backside of a serial of human relations that always evolve via a certain inertia – and then again. And again. Self-evidence of available subjects within the reach of a bed hence turns from an everyday pattern into an ultimate “golden rule” governing the variety of lives we live. Like a look into Hitchcock’s bedroom through his own Rear Window. In the Ideal, the authors tackle Goebbels’s division into the intimate, personal-public and public life of the individual which they superimpose upon Marx’s remark that a lot of work gets done horizontally, from a bed, in a bed. The twist from the vertical into the horizontal of witty facility and sarcastic unease which occurs in the pompous demystification of stereotypes, the authors this time pose and transpose even closer to the audience.

Created and performed by: Leja Jurišić, Teja Reba
Set, light and costume design: Petra Veber
Music: Davor Herceg
Technical director: Igor Remeta
Producer: Žiga Predan
Production: Bunker, Ljubljana 
Co-production: Pekinpah / Kink Kong
With the support of the Ministry of Culture of Slovenia and the City of Ljubljana.

The performance is partially created in the frame of the platform Identity.Move! supported by the Culture Programme of the European Union.

Ticket reservation and information: info@bunker.si
Tickets: 10 eur, 7 eur (students, seniors)