Round Table on the Establishment of the Tabor Cultural Quarter

August 27, 2009 12:00 pm

The wider neighbourhood Tabor in Ljubljana has immense cultural and artistic potential. We are speaking of the area between Miklošičeva and Njegoševa Street on one hand and Masarykova Street and the Ljubljanica River on the other. On the round table we were discussing possible ways of cooperating, with the goal of establishing the Tabor cultural quarter. This cooperation will be based on the exchange of information, the coordination of events, mutual promotional activities, a mutual volunteer base, shared technical equipment and much more.

Participants: Bunker, Metelkova City, Rog, Kinodvor, Slovene Ethnographic Museum, Museum of Modern Art, Kinoteka, District community center, IPOP, Pionirski dom etc.


Author: Urška Boljkovac