August 21, 2009 2:00 pm - August 29, 2009 2:00 pm

The Street Market opened a door into a different exchange system, making us understand all the things we own and can share with others on the basis of immediate exchange with no money involved. With the Street Market we proved that the impersonal and alienated economic relations between people can be replaced – with service providers gaining a face and a name. This kind of exchange also welcomes those without any money whatsoever, since a service is returned with a counter service.

In the Street Market we have exchanged any materials or things that might hold some value and could be of use to participant – regardless of whether that was some concrete object or our personal time. It was the Street Market of all the Mladi levi activities that capture the idea of a money-free exchange of services and various goods the most – providing the basis for the Sostenuto project.