Tina Valentan, Urška Vohar: WHY CAN’T I LEAVE YOU

March 21, 2011 8:00 pm March 22, 2011 8:00 pm March 23, 2011 8:00 pm

Performance Why can’t I leave You tackles the current issue of whether dance as an autonomous cell within a wider arena of performing and audio-visual fields can possibly exist, while it dwells upon (non-)existence of pleasure in dance, revisits a subjectively intimate stance towards dance and deals with the relationship between pleasure and irony.
Sharing a very similar dance background, the two authors have joined forces to reflect upon the conditions which can either hinder or improve their artistic action on the path of creative process, namely psychophysical shape, climate as well as general conditions of life (Friday 13th, full moon, menstruation, continual mobility, age, sex, citizenship, temperament and others).

Authors and performers: Tina Valentan, Urška Vohar
Dramaturg: Aleksandra Blagojević
Lighting designer: Jaka Šimenc
Stage and costume designer: Barbara Kapelj Osredkar
Graphic designer: Peter Auguštiner
Technical manager: Janko Oven
Photographer: Nada Žgank

Executive producer: Tina Dobnik
Production: Maska Ljubljana
Co-production: Plesna izba Maribor