Ljubo Đurković: KASANDRA

September 15, 2009 8:00 pm September 16, 2009 8:00 pm

Cassandra, the ancient prophetess whom cursed Apollo by to always be right but never be believed, has been reborn in a new and contemporary context by Ljubo Đurković. The drama is related to a prophecy, and the initiative behind it was an actual event from 2006 when the author, director, producer and an actor had their fortunes revealed. The idea of a theatre performance matured for three years, and now the limelight is directed upon four characters that face their own private hell hoping to purify and wash away their pain or at least appease themselves, and therefore relieve their suffering as well as get their wishes.

Direction: Slobodan Milatović
Actors: Senka Bulić, Tihana Ćulafić, Jovana Stipić, Niko Goršič, Ljubo Đurković, Slobodan Milatović, Damir Domitrović Kos, Šukrija Žuti Serhatlić
Production: Damir Domitrović Kos
Dramaturgy: Zagorka Pop-Antoska Andovska
Costume design: Blagoj Micevski
Music: Šukrija Žuti Serhatlić
Video: Nemanja Petronje
Photo: Duško Miljanić
Co-production: Festival EX PONTO (Kulturno društvo B-51), Festival TEUTA (Kulturni centar »Nikola Đurković«), Srpsko narodno pozorište in Festival INFANT, Festival MOT (Mladinski kulturen centar)