Nomad Dance Academy: SHORT CUTS #2

June 20, 2009 9:00 pm June 21, 2009 9:00 pm

Short Cuts #2 are the international performances of contemporary dance. They are the culmination of ideas of 13 nomads, choreographers and dancers from six South Slavic nations (Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Bulgaria), Latvia, France and the USA. Between February 24th and June 22nd, the nomads will live, travel and create together, within the programme of the NOMAD Dance Academy Group.
Every fortnight the participants move to another country and another city (Sarajevo, Skopje, Sofia, Kanjiža, Belgrade, Zagreb, Ptuj and Ljubljana), which offers them artistic residency. The topics of Short Cuts #2 are not defined in advance. The artists develop their work on the basis of their inspiration, the influences of the environment in which they work and from the experiences with the people they meet. In Ljubljanan they will create a series of short stories, situations and events, which will be then presented in different venues in Ljubljana. The performers and audiences will move from one event to another and so come closer to the concept of nomadic life: nomads in search of artistic content.

The 2009 nomads are:
Bor Pungerčič, Ana Schnabl, Martina Nevistić, Marko Kalc, Igor Koruga, Katina Diskov, Nikolina Todorova, Zhana Pencheva, Aleksandar Georgiev, Lejla Muhić, Larrere Céline, Ruta Nordmane in Elia Mrak Blumberg