Branko Potočan and Fourklor: O SOLO TRIO

Category: ,
April 17, 2009 8:00 pm April 18, 2009 8:00 pm

“Through the situations which carry us across the associative fields of life, we begin a creative dialogue and create answers with our own procedures and forms. By walking on the edge of physicality, we constantly question ourselves and redefine our actions.” Fourklor

Choreographer and creator: Branko Potočan
Performers, co-creators: Jana Menger, Niko Novak, Branko Potočan
Sound design: Niko Novak
Light design: Tomaž Štrucl
Sound manipulation: Jure Vlahovič
Executive producer: Jelena Milovanović
Production: Vitkar zavod
Partners: Bunker, Kazalište Dr. Inat