October 27, 2010 9:30 pm October 28, 2010 8:00 pm October 29, 2010 8:00 pm

The performance both explores and defines embodiment as a process of complete identity erasure. The sound-corporeal performative serves the purpose of skin tracing, which itself also includes whatever lies beneath.

Anechoic chamber is a space where the melting with the corporeal takes place, a space where there is no Other: it results in an abjected, antisocial and pure body. It is a room with no echo, a room where all communication is expelled, leaving a subject (a person) objectified to an extreme point – he meets his own mother and her function. He returns to his organic being with no possibility of encounter with the environment.

Anechoic chamber is a content-reducing structure. A person would normally be unable to stay in it for a longer time. The symptoms to appear are irrational fear, panic and strong insecurity. The performance experimentally explores possible interpretations of experiences and states of mind.

Author: Miha Erman
Consultant for audio-visual media: Melita Zajc
Performers: Primož Bezjak, Bor Pungerčič
Sound design, music: Miha Erman, Miha Jaramaz
Multimedia and technology: Jasmin Talundžić
Costume design: Aleksandra Brlan
Production: Muzeum Ljubljana
Co-production: ZVVIKS , Institute for Film and Audiovisual Production
In cooperation with: Bunker, Ljubljana, Avditorij Portorož, Pekarna magdalenske mreže Maribor.

The performance is being created in the framework of the project entitled “Focus on Art and Science in the Performing Arts” with the support of Culture Programme of the European Commission.

Information and ticket reservation: +386 51 269 906, bunker@siol.net