SALVIA- 6th European Deaf Arts and Culture Festival

October 2, 2010 - October 9, 2010


The European Deaf Arts and Culture Festival entitled Salvia takes place every second year in another country. Slovenia is chosen to be the hosting country in 2010 and this will actually be the first time for an event of this sort to be hosted in Slovenia.

Deaf European artists will present themselves and bring deaf culture closer to the deaf, the hearing impaired and those without any hearing difficulties. Deaf artists express themselves with mime and movements of the body and thus introduce the contents and the essence of artistic creativity to us.

Deaf culture is also fascinating for one other point of interest; the bridge in communication amongst the deaf from different countries is built upon an international gesture, allowing the deaf to add mime and body movement to their own expression.

During the festival time deaf artists will be attending the morning workshops on pantomime, poetry, dancing and theatre, whereas they will spice up the evening programme with theatre performances.
12 theatre groups from Europe will thus be presented, bringing together approximately 80 participants from Lithuania, Estonia, Croatia, Italy, Germany, Spain, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Greece and Slovenia.
The festival period will bring forth various genres of deaf culture: theatre, poetry, visual arts, comedy and dance. We would like all of this to once grow into a real “artistic quarter”, allowing the deaf to bring the feelings of community, solidarity and creativity to life over and over again.

Program festival

For more information visit Kulturno in izobraževalno društvo Mavrica .