Category: ,
October 8, 2010 8:00 pm - October 17, 2010 8:00 pm


The forthcoming edition of The City of Women Festival is to transgress the artistic disciplines within the thematic arena entitled Between Past and Future. The conceptual background refers to the eponymous book written by Hannah Arendt, bringing forth the problem of human existence, which – robbed of traditional, transcendental and moral standards for crossing the bridge between past and future – lost its compass.

Old Power Station – Elektro Ljubljana will be hosting the following events in the City of Women Festival framework:

  • Andreja Podrzavnik: TUESDAY
    October 10th
  • Nicole Beutler: 2: DIALOGUE WITH LUCINDA
    October 13th
  • Antonia Baehr: LAUGH
    October 14th

Information and ticket reservation: +386 51 269 906,