Marijs Boulogne: MARZIPAN OR PLEXI

Category: ,
March 15, 2009 9:00 pm

Marcipan or Plexi is an ad hoc project by the Belgian director Marijs Boulogne. The project will be a collaboration of Slovenian performers, selected at the workshop in Ljubljana, with the Belgian actresses Eva Schram and Timna Vanhecke.

Text and directed by: Marijs Boulogne
Dramaturgical support: Marianne Van Kerkhoven
Performed by: Eva Schram, Timna Vanhecke and seven performers selected during the workshop
Costumes: Rachid Laachir
Programme co-ordinators: Sabina Potočki, Elisabeth Bernroitner
Produced by: Zavod Emanat; Tanzquartier, Siemens Arts Program
In co-operation with:: Bunker, Ljubljana, nd vzw Buelens Paulina
