About Sostenuto Project

Economic and social innovations in the field of culture and creation activities.


The project Sostenuto aims at reinforcing the competitiveness and the capacities of economic and social innovation from the cultural and creative sector in the Med space by accompanying its transformation towards new economic and social models.
Bunker as one of the laboratories of this project focuses on the models of solidarity exchange sources, knowledge and services among cultural, educational and other individuals in our local environment using different methods. The potential for growth and innovations expands and silmutaneously initiates local economy, individuals and local community.


Leading partner coordinating activities between involved partners:

AMI, Support for Innovative Music, France
BUNKER, Non-profit organization for the realization of cultural events, Slovenia
CITEMA, European meeting and exchange center for artcrafts and design, Italy
EXPEDITIO, NGO specialised in architecture, urban planning, and public advocacy, Montenegro
RELAIS CULTURE EUROPE, ressource center on Europe and culture, France


Music, performing arts, visual arts, artcrafts, architecture.


Core of Sostenuto project are four laboratories of experimentation dealing with an innovative method of organization and management.

  • AMI – experiencing an incubator, i.e. a space dedicated to new enterprises and enabling a sharing of services and an assistance to the development of new activities
  • CITEMA – experiencing a cluster, i.e. networks and partnerships enabling to stimulate activities and creativity and to increase the external economies
  • EXPEDITIO in ZUNINO E PARTNER PROGETTI – testing new methods of territorial governance in the cultural and creative sector and at encouraging the public authorities to better take into account this sector in their strategies of development
  • BUNKER – experiencing a local exchange trading system (LETS) enabling to exchange know-how, services and competences

Two organizations not involving in seeking of innovation:

  • UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCA – realization of study on behalf of experiences and new practices of other partners
  • RELAIS CULTURE EUROPE – dispersion of results through Mediterranean and European space among economical, social and cultural partners


Thesis: Culture as an essential sector has a potential creative breakthrough and can realize oppportunities for cooperation.

Bunker evaluated that collaboration between different partners on the local level is low. NGO’s cooperate on international level meanwhile there is a lack of cooperation between partners of local community, ngo’s, business sector, local inhabitants and public institutions.
Bunker wants to evolve better conditions through different projects for better exchanges of sources, knowledge and services between cultural, educational and other partners in our local environment. Workshops, round tables, public presentations, events, artistic interventions in public space are activities for realizing goals.

Role: new forms of organization and management in creative space. We will be aware of the needs, wishes and expectations of our partners, local community organizations, local residents and cultural workers after finishing this project.
Different ways of non-monetary exchanges are presented to local inhabitants who are often over excluded from events and other happenings in their environment. We try to stimulate non-monetary exchanges in different spheres, we are not limited with contents or teritorry.

Expectations: established network of partners, increased community between involved partners, lower distinctions between social groups, improved life quality and space inviting nwe projects and initiatives.

Object of detailed analysis of our working activities is implemented by University in Valencia. Results of laboratories’ work will be used as examples of good practices for Mediterranean and wider European space.

Project duration: 2009 May – 2012 April

Sostenuto consists of seven organizations in the Mediterranean space and is part of Eropean programme MED financed by European Regional Development Fundation (ERDF).

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