Jacob in Wilhelm Grimm, Marek Bečka: THE WISHING TABLE

December 20, 2008 10:00 am 2:00 pm

The Wishing Table is considered to be one of the most beautiful and most popular fairytales in the world. There was once a house in the suburbs where a father lived with his son Michael. They had a goat who used to tell only lies. Michael was in love with Margaret. One day he came in possession of a wishing table, a golden sheep and a magic club that could punish all the liars and the thieves…

Text: Jacob in Wilhelm Grimm
Adaptation and directing: Marek Bečka
Acting: Jose, Aljaž Jovanovič
Music: Jose
Visual concept: Robert Smolik
Language editing: Mateja Dermelj
Light and sound design: Nace Hočevar, Tomaž Grubelnik

Enterance is free of charge.