Festival EXODOS

November 20, 2008 5:00 pm - November 25, 2008 5:00 pm

The characteristics of this year’s festival are the variety of expressions, genres, directions, artists andvisitors, all united under the motto More Heart. With this motto, the organizers and participants of the festival wish to call for a greater sense of tolerance towards equality, diversity, speed, slowness, agility and rigidity of … body, spirit and mind.

The festival will be officially opened by the ever versatile Raimund Hoghe, who will in his solo performance depict the world of another great artist, the opera singer Maria Callas. Callas spent her last days in Paris, residing at 36 Avenue George Mandel.

Saturday, November 22nd, will offer another opportunity for a meeting with an international star of the contemporary dance, theatre and performance scene, Dave St.Pierre. After his success at the Exodos festival with his Pornography of Souls last year, St.Pierre returns to pose us another question: Are rudeness and brutality really necessary in order to become sensitive? His latest performance is entitled Un Peu de Tendress Bordel de Merde! (A Touch of Tenderness, for Fuck’s Sake!).

Another treat for audiences will follow on Monday, November 24th, with a music performance of a diva who doesn’t limit her artistic exploration only to the sphere of music. Her video-landscapes of a desert, derelict hotels and empty rooms serve as a background for the expressive live music of James Johnston, Ian White and the diva herself, Lydia Lunch: Ghosts of Spain.

The last day of the Exodos festival, Tuesday, November 25th, will start with a performance, a theatre and a visual project, distinguished by the exact dramaturgy by Iva Jevtić. This attempt to realize an event in the Badiou style was directed by Barbara Novakovič and entitled Rodin II.

For five days, Ljubljana will become a venue for an intensive amalgam of dance, performance, theatre, film, music, lectures, workshops, meetings with artists.