International festival ensemble: COMMUNITY

Photo: Gregor Gobec

Sunday, November 27 at 8pm

The performance is in English.

On the last festival evening we will engage in something very rare in Slovene and international improvisational production – a big stage ensemble. The group dynamics of 26 actors will drive the play around the theme of community. A spectacle, clumsy stage happening, inspiring live event, or complete chaos? In any case, this will be an intensive shared experience for both the audience and the performers (if such a distinction would still make sense at all).

Concept: Maja Dekleva Lapajne
Performance: Beatrix Brunschko, Dino Kapetanovič, Eva Jus, Gregor Moder, Jacob Banigan, Jan Hrušovar, Juš Milčinski, Katarina Veselko, Koray Bülent Tarhan, Mistral Majer, Nejc Šmit, Olivija Grafenauer, Peter Frankl, Rok Bohinc, Sara Šoukal, Sašo Stare, Teja Bitenc, Tomaž Lapajne Dekleva, Urša Strehar Benčina, Vid Sodnik, Zeynep Özyurt Tarhan
Music: Evren Gülseven, Goran Završnik, Hannu Risku
Lights: Borut Cajnko