Improške (Slovenia) Crossing Over: INSPIRATION AT FIRST SIGH(T)

Photo: Ana Šircelj

Friday, November 25 at 7pm

The performance is in English.

Improške is an open, non-hierarchically organised group of female performers who has come together because they like playing together. But also because they are interested in what role gender plays on stage and how we can play with gender stereotypes and surpass them. Improške are a safe community where its members can explore, develop, test their boundaries and look for different forms of expression through improvised performance.

Before there is a word, there is a look. A look is an invitation to create a relationship, first contact with another person, first exchange between the two. A child, who covers her eyes, believes she has dissapeared; what I can’t see, doesn’t exist. In the performance Inspiration at First Sigh(t) Improške and guests will play with all these functions of sight – sight as initiation of communication, sight as the mirror of inner experience, sight as condition of existence. Each scene will begin with a sigh(t) – between two improvisers or between an improviser and someone from the audience – and spontaneously ramifies into a story of a momentary meeting.

Concept: Katarina Veselko, Mistral Majer, Olivija Grafenauer, Sara Šoukal, Teja Bitenc, Urša Strehar Benčina
Performance: Beatrix Brunschko, Eva Jus, Katarina Veselko, Mistral Majer, Olivija Grafenauer, Sara Šoukal, Teja Bitenc, Urša Strehar Benčina, Zeynep Özyurt Tarhan
Music: Hannu Risku
Lights: Borut Cajnko