In the frame of SPARKS we are presenting VN Lab: Sugar

September 14, 2016 8:00 pm

VN Lab 2016 (2)Photo: VN LAB

When the sugar turns into poison? When the idea turns into opium? Why the past never disappears? Why the forbidden tastes so sweet? Why do we need borders to feel free?

After six workshops in six months, after many attempts, ideas, questions and doubts, after lengthy discussions and in-depth feedback, following consideration of what and why to perform, the six stubborn and deliberated performers still found enough serious reasons for their decision to step on the stage and to expose themselves to the gaze of the critical viewer.

VN Lab is the Via Negativa laboratory for performing arts, in which we deal with the questions why and what to perform.

Conceived, devised and performed by: Jakub Čermak, Lana Zdravković, Olja Grubić, Andraž Jug, Sara Horžen, Yuliya Molina.
Concept and direction: Jakub Čermak
Mentor: Bojan Jablanovec
Assistant mentor: Grega Zorc
Produced by: VN Lab, 2016
Partner: Zavod Bunker
Producer: Špela Trošt
Public presentation: 14 SEPT 2016, The Old Power Station Ljubljana

As part of the Iskre programme, the Old Power Station hosts young artists at the beginning of their artistic career, as well as daring ideas of the already established authors. Iskre (“sparks”) are designed for sparks of the new and the innovative in contemporary art, opening in their relaxed casualness a space where both mistakes and amazing, breakthrough experiences are possible.

Admission free.

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