Matjaž Farič: RED -TRAIL

September 24, 2016 8:00 pm September 25, 2016 8:00 pm

RdečaPhoto: Matej Fišer

Too school-like. As in Red Blood? Too pathetic. As in Red Star? Too political. Red … Red as meat. The substance we are made of. The substance which allows us to move, including boundaries. The substance which all organs are made of. Like  smell, for example. 

The smell of meat – of a person sitting opposite to you. Meat is not beautiful, aesthetic, sophisticated, it doesn’t inspire comfort; it is, however, robust, durable, it supports the spine. It’s not easy to be upright, to trust your senses as much as Matjaž Farič will trust them in his new – and yet again last – solo performance Red. (Staša Bračič, dramaturge)

A solo performance at the thirtieth career anniversary of the choreographer, director and dancer Matjaž Farič.

Choerography and dance: Matjaž Farič
Dramaturgy: Staša Bračič
Projections: Jure Lavrin
Costumes: Sanja Grcić
Photography: Matej Fišer
Producer: Ksenija Kaučič
Production: Flota, zavod Murska Sobota in Flota Ljubljana
Coproduction: Bunker
Supported by:  Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana.

Tickets: 10 eur, 7 eur (students, seniors)
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