Hotel Modern: CAMP (NL)

September 11, 2016 8:00 pm September 12, 2016 11:00 am 5:00 pm

kamp_lvv_09Photo: Leo Van Velzen

There is this huge model of the Auschwitz Concentration Camp. We see the packed barracks, the railway track and the entrance portal with the inscription »Arbeit Macht Frei«. Hotel Modern attempts to depict the undepictable. The performance aims to reconstruct the historical reality, using hand-made puppets and figurines of prisoners and their executioners. The performers are moving around the scene as giant war reporters, and simultaneously recording the horrifying events with miniature cameras. Thus the audience becomes a witness. It is a performance without words, imbued with piercing music arrangements and documentary segments, conceived of letters found in the camp.

Hotel Modern was established in 1997. Its members are the performers Arlène Hoornweg and Pauline Kalker and the visual artist Herman Helle. Distinctive of their creations is that they constantly combine the elements of puppet and drama theatre, with music, film and convincing visual aspects. They are regularly touring with their performances all over the world. Although their priority is in reflection on significant sociohistorical issues, they are nevertheless not forgetting about the creative magnificence of theatrical language and playfulness.

Within the International Festival Lutke 2016.

Concept and visual design: Hotel Modern
Cast: Pauline Kalker, Herman Helle, Arlène Hoogweg, Ruud van der Pluijm

60 min

Tickets: 5 €
Ticket information: 080 2004,
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