A. P. Čehov, Barbara Novakovič: UNCLE VANYA AND 12 BOUQETS

September 20, 2008 8:00 pm

Eleven years have passed. The past is enlivened with the arrival of Professor Srebryakov and his new young wife. The professor’s return creates cracks in time and shifts the trivialities of living. “Time passes differently in your house” is a cue line which triggers a slowly creeping void, camouflaged in beauty. This void spreads like a virus: it stupefies, numbs and wears out the life energy of Voynitsky’s family on their countryside estate. But most of all, it diverts the attention from an omnipotent disease, of accentuating (and advertising) interests of the individual, capitalist, modern superman. Where is God?

Idea, directed by and set design: Barbara Novakovič
Dramaturgy: Petra Tanko
Performers: Manca Krnel, Alena Medich, Lea Menard, Rafael Vončina
Performers (voice): Irena Tomažin, Željko Hrs, Mateja Rebolj
Music by: Luka Prinčič, Dominik Bagola, Manuel Kuran
Drums: Dominik Bagola
Bass-guitar: Manuel Kuran
Video: Boštjan Božič, Jaša Gladež
Light design: Miran Šušteršič
Sound design : Štefan Kovač
Costume design: Jelena Leskovar
Assistant costume designer: Maja Radišič
Poroduction: Muzeum Ljubljajna
Co-production: Festival Ex-Ponto and Festival Ljubljana
In co-operation with: Bunker, Ljubljana