fb-mladilevi1-e1470229646335Friday, August 19th at 8.00 pm
The Old Power Station – Elektro Ljubljana 

You are kindly invited to join us on 19th august at 20.00 hours in Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana, for the opening of the International festival Mladi levi 2016!

We’re starting the festival with the performance Night of the Moles (Welcome to Caveland!by acclaimed French director Philippe Quesne. The play on the lives of humongous moles is a fable without a moral, an allegory of life itself, in itself the most interesting of stories.

Afterwards, at 21.30 on the platform behind the Old Power Station,the young-lion dance is unravelling for everyone to attend. This year, music delights will be served by DJ Bakto (Tetkine radosti) and DJ Udo Brenner (Zeleno sonce). While tasty morsels are composed by dazzling chef Primož Dolničar alongside ladies from the Daytime Activity Centre for the Elderly.

More about the programme here.