
Photo: Sunčan Stone

Thursday, August 25th, 9 pm
The Old Power Station – Elektro Ljubljana

The team of the performance Variations to Slowness: TIME OUT 2 coalesced around the creative and exploratory process sparked by Katja Legin. Within the framework of the No!Training Lab, the authors, all of them accomplished Slovene dancers, choreographers and performers, engage in dialogue with the novel Slowness by Milan Kundera in a three-year-long multi-phase work of art.

Slowness was the first novel Milan Kundera wrote in his second language, French, launching him into the unexplored terrain of »exile arithmetic«. The collective of the performance likewise ventures to lands unknown, a new language, undertaking the challenge of staging a novel in dance performance form. At times, they enter the novel’s narrative, as if possessing the spirit of the characters and the scenes, yet never sliding into the banality of enacting the story, illustrating the characters or recounting their fates. Instead, what they trace are the dynamics of the protagonists’ longings, their internal motors, and their constantly elusive pleasures. On the very axis of slowness-quickness, Kundera, and to an even greater extent the performance, materialize the issue of pleasure.

Authors and performers: No!training Lab (Barbara Kanc, Barbara Ribnikar, Jan Rozman, Kaja Lorenci, Katja Legin, Nataša Živković)
Live music: Joži Šalej
Sound design: SZ3
Lighting design: Tomi Janežič
Costume design consultant: Marina SremacScenography and costume design: No!training Lab
Produced by: Studio za raziskavo umetnosti igre
Partners: Zavod Federacija, Španski Borci, PTL, Flota, Nagib

70 minutes

The performance is in English.

Free tickets, but you can support our festival with voluntary contributions. More information and ticket booking: +386 51 269 906,