Philippe Quesne: NIGHT OF THE MOLES (Welcome to Caveland!) (FR)

ARM160505-291-e1470136521313Photo: Martin Argyroglo

Friday, August 19th at 8.00 pm
Saturday, Avgust 20th 2016 at 7.30 pm
The Old Power Station – Elektro Ljubljana 

Philippe Quesne is the founder of the Paris-based Vivarium Studio, a hub connecting artists from a variety of disciplines. He is an editor, the author of numerous performances, spatial interventions and installations, as well as the artistic director of the Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers. His education and primary background are in set design. We’re happy to welcome him to Mladi levi for the third time; following performances L’Effet de Serge and Next Day, he will this year appear with his new creation Night of the Moles (Welcome to Caveland!), a current hit of contemporary theatre and festival stages.

Night of the Moles stays faithful to Quesne’s style – some call it an idiosyncratic one – existential stage études, glitching everyday occurrences, life laid bare without the spectacularization we’ve grown so accustomed to we’re now practically shocked by genuine existence. His latest piece, likewise, delves into the stuff of life: joy, happiness, birth, death; we observe a community of moles in a cave; the moles anthropomorphic, the cave … is it Plato’s cave where the audience joins the protagonists in their distorted view of ideas, a group gazing of shadows? Or is it the underground where humanism and the arts seek refuge, or a shelter for the apocalypse? A fable without a moral.

Performing: Yvan Clédat, Jean-Charles Dumay, Léo Gobin, Erwan Ha Kyoon Larcher, Sébastien Jacobs, Thomas Suire, Gaëtan Vourc’h
Costume design: Corine Petitpierre
Assistant costume designer: Anne Tesson
Dramaturgical collaborators: Léo Gobin, Lancelot Hamelin, Ismael Jude, Smaranda Olcese
Artistic and technical collaborators: Marc Chevillon, Yvan Clédat, Elodie Dauguet, Abigail Fowler, Thomas Laigle
Technical crew: Patrick Bonnereau, Joachim Fosset, Alain Gravier, Pauline Jakobiak, Jean-Christophe Soussi
Scenography: Ateliers de Nanterre-Amandiers: Michel Arnould, Philippe Binard, Alix Boillot, Jérôme Chrétien, Jean-Pierre Druelle, Fanny Gautreau, Marie Maresca, Myrtille Pichon, Olivier Remy, Claude Sangiorgi
Assistance with scenography: Chloé Chabaud, Juliette Seigneur, Amélie Wellan
Seamstresses: Karelle Durand, Lydie Lalaux
Produced by: Nanterre-Amandiers – centre dramatique national
Co-produced by: Steirischer herbst, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne, La Filature – Scène nationale, Mulhouse, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Théâtre National de Bordeaux Aquitaine, Kaaitheater, Centre d’art Le Parvis à Tarbes, NXTSTP (s pomočjo programa Kreativna Evropa/with help of the programme Creative Europe)

90 minutes

Free tickets, but you can support our festival with voluntary contributions. More information and ticket booking: +386 51 269 906,

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