Mare Bulc + performers: ALL TOGETHER NOW!

June 23, 2016 9:00 pm

Photo: Nada Žgank

The last reprise of the performance!

“… a performance not to be missed. “  – Irena Štaudohar, Delo, Sobotna priloga

A theatre-music project with musicians as performers. At the beginning of the process, director has faced his collaborators with the following formula: the state is a music band, an inhabitant of the state is a musician, and migration from one state to another is like migration of a musician from one band to another. Through a process of improvisation and rehearsals, the creators have been examining the premise that the political, economic, emotional and other kinds of migrations could be “talked about” through the migration of musicians. The project “theatrises” the musical material in order to dissect migration, the impossibility of migration, leaving and staying, reasons for persisting and departing. The selection of “non-theatrical”, musical performers enabled conditions for exceptional creative process and presented the director with a unique challenge of “theatrising” the “de-theatricalised” musical situation.

The musical-theatrical spectacle ALL TOGETHER NOW! which stages the reasons for and against migration of young people from Slovenia, will be performed for the last time. One of the performers, the singer Irena Preda is now migrating from Slovenia not only in fiction of the theatre performance, but in reality.

The performance is brilliant…” – Jedrt Jež, Dnevnik, Objektiv

“… an ideal cast in every respect: in sincere socially critical engagement, music invention and performing skills.”  – Blaž Lukan, Delo

“Utterly spectacular cathartic musical experience.” – Nejc Simčič, Nova

And now, when fiction became reality, it’s time for the last reprise.

Come! All together now! For the last time!?

Director: Mare Bulc
Performers: Jaka Berger, Miha Blažič – N’toko, Matija Dolenc, Polona Janežič, Tina Perić, Irena Preda
Sound design: Jure Vlahović
Music: performers
Choreography: Branko Potočan
Costume design: Mateja Benedetti
Lighting design: Igor Remeta
Photo: Nada Žgank
Executive producer: Tina Dobnik
Public relations: Urška Comino

Production: Maska
Co-production: Zavod Bunker, Zavod Exodos
Special thanks to: Zavod Vitkar & Radio študent
The project has been co-funded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the City of Ljubljana.

Ticket reservation and information:
Entrance fee based on voluntary donations.