Param dokso: ACROSS ALL BORDERS, Benefit

March 3, 2016 6:00 pm

param dokso benefit marec mala

The Benefit is hosted by Param dokso, an initiative of high school students in Ljubljana. The primary purpose is spreading awareness and educating the general public about the situation on the borders, the countries from which refugees are coming, and the responses to their arrival. All money, acquired with voluntary contributions, will be used to help asylum holders and seekers in Slovenia.

Stara elektrarna (The Old Power Plant) will also be hosting a part of the Benefit’s program:

March 3rd at 6 p.m. :  Andrej Kurnik and Izidor Ostan Ožbolt, lecture
Andrej Kurnik holds a PhD in policial sciences and Izidor Ostan Ožbolt is a member of Student Iskra. They will present the ecological problems in Sahel and in the Middle East in connection to international corporations and their exploitation policies. They will try to explain how the ecological and economic crisis led to the big migration crisis. The lecturers will also present possibilities of a common fight against the policies of militarization, closing borders and economical-ecological exploitation.

March 3rd at 8.00 p.m. : Rajko Muršič, lecture
Rajko Muršič and the Slovene ethnological and anthropological association KULA will present the anthropological view on the so called migration crisis and the problem of the (self)understanding of the fascistization of the West.

The lectures and discussions will be moderated by Svit Komel.

More about Across all borders.

Free admission.