Drugajanje 2015


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Teenage years used to be the period in which an individual’s identity was formed. Today, identity is no longer something formed, but rather a dynamic process, intertwining throughout one’s life in an ever new ensemble. In the cacophony of identity choices, there exists a risk that a choice deafens us or that the choices become categorical, as if there is no more time or will for the entire range between black and white. This is why art is important; a field of the undefined, where new choices emerge, and where lives and identities are beyond categories, beyond dichotomies.

This year’s program of Drugajanje festival invites for a reflection on identities and on experiencing of identities outside the centre, be it sexual, political or locally-global, be it a perception of a different Maribor, as in the guided tours by Peter Šourek, an experience of disillusions of a generation, full of expectations by Beton Ltd. collective, or two stories, bildungsperformances of growing up,  MDLSX and Parallel. Who are we, what are our desires, who are others? From a perspective of identification with another, experience of another, not only a better self-understanding emerges, but also creativity and empathy. And this is precisely the perspective that we want to explore with Drugajanje festival; not only a perspective of arts and cultural education, but a perspective of experience as well, where anyone, faced with the stories of others, can find his place in the world – his identity.


Drugajanje 2015 catalogue (pdf – za ogled potrebujete brezplačen program Acrobat Reader)

MARIBOR corrupt tour photo by Petr Sourek 3 19th, 23rd, 24th and 25th November, every day at 5.00 pm
starting point under the Old bridge in Maribor
Petr Šourek:
Maribor – European Capital of Tourism 2021
Czech Republic/Slovenia
Beton Ltd._Vse kar smo izgubili_foto 80_Borut Peterlin 23rd November, at 6.00 pm and 9.00 pm
Narodni dom Maribor
Beton Ltd.:
Everything we ‘ve lost while we’ve gone on living
Motus MDLSX photo by Alessandro Sala 24th November at 7.00 pm
II. gimnazija Maribor, Amfiteater
Groundfloor-Vzporedno photo by Groundfloor 4 25th November at 7.00 pm
II. gimnazija Maribor, Amfiteater
Ferenc Sinkó:
bannerIZG-2 - Copy 23rd – 25th November
School in the Society

Organizers: BUNKER, Ljubljana in II. gimnazija Maribor
Programmers: Alma R. Selimović in Katarina Slukan
Executive production: Alma R. Selimović
Producer: Tajša Perović
Artistic adviser: Mojca Jug
Public relations: Tamara Bračič Vidmar
Technical crew: Igor Remeta, Andrej Petrovčič, Duško Pušica, Tomaž Žnidarčič
Technical coordinatorr: Jani Kancler
Drugajanje is made possible by: EU Program Culture, Ministry of Culture of Slovenia, Urban Heat and FIT – Festivals in transition
Partners: GuestRoomMaribor, Društvo Nagib, Narodni dom Maribor, Radio Marš, Pekarna Magdalenske mreže, Salon uporabnih umetnosti

Information: 031 694 559, info@bunker.si


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