Snježana Premuš: PHYSICAL MANIFESTATIONS, premiere

November 29, 2015 8:00 pm December 1, 2015 8:00 pm

Fizične manifestacije_foto_Marcandrea - CopyPhoto: Marcandrea

In the period 2012–2015 the topic of embodied thought is in the centre of research by Snježana Premuš. In this time she publicly presented the project in form of documentary installations and film: the inter-medial installation Intelligent Body 2012, the pilot for the dance documentary Intelligent Body 2013, and the dance-documentary presentation of the project Physical Manifestations 2014.

“I’m observing how every point of touch or concentration accumulates experience and memories which pile up like sediments in the body and form a multilayered image. I’m searching for the moment of their connection and manifestation.

The question of how to be in your own body or how to understand it turned into a process during my dance practice and this became the project. The insight that the body doesn’t work like we’ve been told enabled me to understand why the body images we internalized by upbringing and education don’t match up with the body images we’re able to incorporate.” (Snježana Premuš)

The project Physical Manifestations (2015) questions what consolidates our body image and what brings it into motion. This dynamic aspect reestablishes the body as a sublime locus of revolt against culture as such.

Author: Snježana Premuš
Performed by: Tina Valentan, Gregor Zorc, Melina Iordanidou, Liza Šimenc
Dramaturgy: Barbara Novaković Kolenc
The method of reflexive attention performed by: Sanja Nešković Peršin, Mateja Rebolj, Teja Reba, Milan Ketiš, Mariela Nestora
Observers: Rok Vevar, Jedrt Jež Furlan
Lighting design: Borut Bučinel
Sound scape: Boštjan Perovšek
Producer: Ksenija Kaučič
Production: Zavod Federacija Ljubljana
Co-production: Dance Theatre Ljubljana, Isadora Duncan Center
In collaboration with: Bunker, Ljubljana
Supported by: The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana City Municipality
Sponsored by: Diš